
tisdag 23 juli 2024

Catering to love ( Departments of love #1) av Joshua Ian


After training under the famed Escoffier, Henri is now Head Chef at the Royal Tea Room—the jewel in the crown of the newly opened Hartridge & Casas department store. With his sights set on one day opening his own restaurant, Henri has no time for distractions, especially not love. But his moorings are shaken loose when Nico, a charming and gorgeous new waiter, appears.

However, the interfering adventurer Lord Ockley is determined to have Nico all to himself. When he can't, he threatens to expose Nico and Henri's relationship, risking not only the destruction of their careers and reputations, but possibly even worse.

Will Henri abandon his career dreams for the love of the only man who has ever touched his soul? Can Nico convince Henri that love is the most important dream of all?

Set against the backdrop of the 1908 Summer Olympics and the historic Franco-British Exhibition, Catering to Love is the story of two men trying to find love in a society where the mere mention of their passion risks ruin.

It's a new century, with London blossoming into modernity, and love is the most important ingredient.

Contains mature themes.

Bokomslag och beskrivning av bokens handling hämtad från Storytel.

Denna ljudbok valde jag att lyssna på bara sådär, då jag sökte en bok som handlade om mat eller liknande då Evelina hade gett mig det som prompt för denna månad. Sen var jag ute efter lite romance mellan män, jag vet inte jag gillar det som mest i från romancegenren.

Fast denna gav mig inte rikitgt vad jag ville ha, jag har inte alls något minne av om vad den handlade om, det var som om den gick in i ena örat och ut i andra.

Den enda gången jag gillade den var den sista timmen jag lyssnade på den utav ca 5½ timme långa bok, då hade den en handling som jag gillade och jag var orolig för karatkärerna om de skulle få sin lycka osv ...

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