
lördag 29 april 2023

TV-serie-recension: Lockwood & co


LOCKWOOD & CO. on Netflix is a new series about teenage ghost hunters in London. It starts out in quite a brutal way but is generally a genre-hybrid for the whole family. Charming and fun, but also full of darkness. 

Children forced to potentially deadly jobs

In case you’re not familiar with the Lockwood & Co. books, you should know that this isn’t just a “ghosts and teenagers”-story. The world is very different from the one we know, and has been ever since “The Problem”. Suddenly, ghosts managed to manifest into our world. If they touch you, they can kill you, so it isn’t “just” scary that ghosts are all around.

Also, adults can’t see or hear ghosts. Only kids can. And they lose this talent when they become adults.

The solution became apparent to the adults of the world; Teenagers are trained to be ghost hunters and then put to work. No matter the talent of the teenager or the training they receive, it’s still a job that can be deadly. The teenagers can also die from being touched by ghosts. Or they can be caught up in a sort of coma.

In the case of one protagonist, Lucy Carlyle (Ruby Stokes), she’s forced into the ghost-hunting profession by her mother. In fact, her mother seems quite indifferent to her daughter, which is one dark and brutal way to begin a story.

Kids making it on their own

Since these teenage ghost-hunters are paramount to the safety of the world, they’re also more dependent on one another than any adults. That’s why Anthony Lockwood wants to venture out on his own with the company Lockwood & Co.

Anthony Lockwood (portrayed by newcomer Cameron Chapman) can see the ghosts, while the extremely talented Lucy Carlyle can hear them. Lucy Carlyle is portrayed by Ruby Stokes (A BanquetBridgerton), who looks like she could be Florence Pugh’s younger sister. She also has the same fierceness in many ways, so she’s perfectly cast here.

Rounding out the trio that is Lockwood & Co., we have George Karim (Ali Hadji-Heshmati from the BBC’s Bad Education). He also has ghostly talents, but more than this, he has the talent of being a genius in many other ways as well.

The Lockwood & Co. agency is essentially described as being “independent of any commercial imperative or adult supervision”, which is what makes them different from anyone else. Well, that and the fact that this tiny startup now has a supremely psychically gifted girl on their roster.

You’ll meet lots of characters – including many shady adults – and many are portrayed by actors, you may know.

Denna sammanfattning av serien handlar om utan att tala om den direkta handlingen, kommer från Heaven horror.

Jag läste (och håller på ännu, har sista boken kvar) att läsa denna serie tillsammnas med Evelina, och den har från första början visat sig vara underhållande för även oss som är vuxna, och det var inte svårt för oss att bestämma oss att se denna serie då vi såg den skulle komma till Netflix, och även TV-serien är bra (lika bra om nästan inte lite bättre än böckerna tycker jag) och underhållande och jag gillar att se Lockwood, Lucy och George och inte bara läsa om dem, TV-serien kanske är lite vuxnare i sitt sätt än vad bok-serien är.

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