onsdag 5 mars 2025

Locke & key vol 1 - 6 av Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez


Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them, and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all! Acclaimed suspense novelist and New York Times best-selling author Joe Hill (Heart-Shaped Box) creates an all-new story of dark fantasy and wonder, with astounding artwork from Gabriel Rodriguez.
New York Times bestselling writer Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodriguez, thecreators behind the acclaimed Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft,return with the next chapter in the ongoing tale, Head Games. Following a shocking death that dredges up memories of their father'smurder, Kinsey and Tyler Locke are thrown into choppy emotional waters, and turnto their new friend, Zack Wells, for support, little suspecting Zack'sdark secret. Meanwhile, six-year-old Bode Locke tries to puzzle out the secretof the head key, and Uncle Duncan is jarred into the past by a disturbinglyfamiliar face. Open your mind - the head games are just getting started!
The dead plot against the living, the darkness closes in on Keyhouse, and awoman is shattered beyond repair, in the third storyline of the Eisner-nominatedseries, Locke & Key! Dodge continues his relentless quest to find thekey to the black door, and raises an army of shadows to wipe out anyone whomight get in his way. Surrounded and outnumbered, the Locke children findthemselves fighting a desperate battle, all alone, in a world where the nightitself has become their enemy.
Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez's Locke & Key unwinds into itsfourth volume in Keys to the Kingdom. With more keys making themselvesknown, and the depths of the Locke's family's mysteries ever-expanding, Dodge'sdesperation to end his shadowy quest drives the habitants of Keyhouse evercloser to a revealing conclusion.
Tyler and Kinsey Locke have no idea that their now-deceased nemesis, Lucas"Dodge" Caravaggio, has taken over the body of their younger brother, Bode. Withunrestricted access to Keyhouse, Dodge's ruthless quest to find the Omega Keyand open the Black Door is almost complete. But Tyler and Kinsey have adangerous key of their own - one that can unlock all the secrets ofKeyhouse by opening a gateway to the past. The time has come for the Lockes toface theri own legacy and the darkness behind the Black Door. Because if theydon't learn from their family history, they may be doomed to repeat it, and timeis running out!

The shadows have never been darker and the end has never been closer. Turnthe key and open the last door; it's time to say goodbye. The final arc ofNew York Times bestselling Locke & Key comes to a thundrousand compelling conclusion. An event not to be missed!

Alla bokomslag och beskrivningar av handlingarna är hämtade från Adlibris.

Den här serien med skräck grafiska romaner av tex Stephen Kings son Joe Hill  har jag tänkt att läsa en lång stund.
Och jag blev ännu mer intresserad då jag fick höra att den blev filmatiserad som TV-serie.
Men det dröjde ändå en bra stund innan jag började läsa den, men nu under de senaste månaderna har jag plöjt igenom de 6 delarna av originalet, har förstått att det finns en fortsättning med fler delar. Och det här var så bra att jag vill fortsätta läsa.

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