söndag 25 juli 2021

TV-serie - Genera+ion


Genera+ion är en mörk men lekfull serie som följer en mångfaldig grupp av high school-elever, vars utforskande av den moderna sexualiteten sätter deras konservativa samhälles djupt förankrade övertygelser om livet, kärleken och familjestruktur på prov.

Ännu en TV-serie som jag sett nu i år, som har temat HBTQ+ och ungdomar som försöker finna sin identitet och även sexuella-läggning, och rätten att existera även om de bryter mot normen.

Helt enkelt en serie som jag gillar och ser om för att jag gillar den...så även denna rekommenderas precis som den jag skrev i förra inlägget.

Utdrag ur en artikel om serien

Created by 19-year-old Zelda Barnz and her father Daniel Barnz, Genera+ion isn’t just your typical teen show that rehashes the tropes of jocks, prom, and drama. It’s a preposterous yet candid telling of what today’s young people are going through. With audacious one-liners and brassy storylines, the series is unafraid to show the awful decisions and mistakes these young people make, like the aforementioned optical bombardment. On top of all that, its main cast consists mostly of characters that are queer in one way or another. In Genera+ion, their sexuality informs who they are as people, but does not completely define them.

“It shows that there’s no monolithic queer experience. There’s all this nuance,” he said. “You're just watching a TV show. It doesn't have to be a queer TV show, it doesn't have to be a teen TV show. It's just a show, and you're watching these normal people going through their lives. There's ebbs and flows and there's ups and downs. They're real people who can be fucking shitty sometimes, and you don't have to portray these people as inherently something—just show the authentic experience.”

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