fredag 26 april 2024

Family lore av Elizabeth Acevedo


The Marte women are preparing for a gathering that will change their lives forever Flor has a gift: she can predict, to the day, when someone will die. So when she decides to host her own living wake - bringing together her family and community to celebrate her long life - her sisters Matilde, Pastora and Camila are concerned. What has she foreseen? But Flor isn't the only one with a secret. Matilde has tried to hide the extent of her husband's infidelity for years, and now must confront the true state of her marriage. Pastora - always on a mission to solve her sisters' problems - needs to come to terms with her past. And Camila, the youngest sibling, has decided she no longer wants to be taken for granted. Alongside their struggles, the next generation of Marte women face their own tumult of family obligations, infertility, and heartache. Spanning the three days prior to the wake, Family Lore traces the intertwining stories of these sisters and cousins, mothers and daughters, aunts and nieces, to ask the ultimate question: what does it take to live a good life, for yourself and those you love?

Bokomslag och beskrivning av bokens handling hämtad från Bokus.

Den här boken kommer bli årets besvikelse, eller i alla fall en av dem, och det rejält då jag gillat författarnens andra böcker. Om det beror på att hon har gått från YA till en vuxen publik, eller för att jag lyssnat på den som ibland kan bli en miss av vissa böcker.

Det var inget som grep tag i mig då jag lyssnade på den, inget i berättelsen eller karaktärerna som fångade mitt intresse och gjorde att jag såg fram emot att lyssna på den. Det var mera en lättnad att boken var slut än något annat när jag läst/lyssnat slut den.

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