The enchantment continues. . . .
The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories - and secrets - that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies?
With nine stories - five of which have never before been published - and an exclusive never-before-seen excerpt from Marissa Meyer's novel, Heartless, about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Stars Above is essential for fans of the bestselling and beloved Lunar Chronicles.
The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories - and secrets - that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies?
With nine stories - five of which have never before been published - and an exclusive never-before-seen excerpt from Marissa Meyer's novel, Heartless, about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, Stars Above is essential for fans of the bestselling and beloved Lunar Chronicles.
Bokomslag och beskrivning hämtad från Adlibris.
Jag tror jag måste säga att Lunarchronicels (Månkrönikan) är den bästa re-telling science fantasy unga vuxna serie jag har läst. Då kan jag ju inte låta bli att även läsa novellsamlingen som tillhör den bok-serien. Noveller som handlar om alla de olika karaktärerna både innan och efter vad som hände i Månkrönikan. En del noveller gillar jag mer än andra vissa blir faktiskt bara lästa för att de finns i denna bok. Den slutar med genomsnittsbetyget 3.
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