onsdag 17 januari 2024

Written in the stars av Alexandrina Bellefleur


After a disastrous blind date, Darcy Lowell is desperate to stop her well-meaning brother from playing matchmaker ever again. Love—and the inevitable heartbreak—is the last thing she wants. So she fibs and says her latest set up was a success. Darcy doesn’t expect her lie to bite her in the ass.

Elle Jones, one of the astrologers behind the popular Twitter account Oh My Stars, dreams of finding her soul mate. But she knows it is most assuredly not Darcy... a no-nonsense stick-in-the-mud, who is way too analytical, punctual, and skeptical for someone as free-spirited as Elle. When Darcy’s brother—and Elle's new business partner—expresses how happy he is that they hit it off, Elle is baffled. Was Darcy on the same date? Because... awkward.

Darcy begs Elle to play along and she agrees to pretend they’re dating. But with a few conditions: Darcy must help Elle navigate her own overbearing family during the holidays and their arrangement expires on New Year’s Eve. The last thing they expect is to develop real feelings during a faux relationship. But maybe opposites can attract when true love is written in the stars?

Bokomslag och beskrivnig av bokens handling hämtad från Adlibris.

Jag vet inte riktigt vad det var som gjorde att denna inte riktigt fastnade i mitt huvud då jag läste. Utan när jag lyssnade gillade jag den, men sen när jag senare skulle tänka tillbaka på den hade jag inte något minne av vad som hade hänt. Det var en konstig inte-känsla om den. Då gillade jag ändå att läsa/lyssna på kärlekshistorien mellan Elle och Darcy. Jag gillade allt tal om stjärnor, astrologi och astronomi, det tyckte jag var intressant, även om jag inte minns mycket av det.

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